Lithuania's Conservatives Remain Most Popular Party

If parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, they would be triumphant to the conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, while the current ruling party, the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LFGU), would come in second, shows a survey published on news portal.

The conservatives would secure 17.3 percent of the vote and LFGU would be supported by 15.4 percent, according to the poll conducted by Spinter Tyrimai (Spinter Surveys) pollster.

The Social Democratic Party would come in third with 8.2 percent of the vote, just ahead of the Order and Justice party with 7.7 percent.

As compared with the December survey, no party saw its ratings change more than the margin error.

The survey of 1,006 respondents was conducted on Feb. 19-27.

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Reported by: The Baltic Times